business INSURANCE
Types of Business Insurance Offered by
Gardner Insurance:
We offer business insurance packages that are tailored to fit the needs of all types of business owners. This includes insurance for your business property, building, equipment, inventory, and company vehicles.
Property Insurance
Property Insurance funds repairs or replacements for losses caused by vandalism, fire, windstorms, or hail strikes. This includes commercial buildings, equipment, furniture, fixtures, inventories, business records, supplies, and other items.
Business Liability Insurance
Liability Insurance can protect against financial losses resulting from claims of injury or property damage caused by you or your employees and your products or services. Casualty Insurance consists primarily of liability coverage, which protects an insured party against injury or damage claims made by other parties.
Business Auto Insurance
Business Auto Insurance can get you on the road again quickly after an accident and ensure your business is protected against losses from injuries to other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians for which you and your employees are liable.
Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ Compensation Insurance can satisfy your employees’ medical needs in the event of an accident or disease and make a quick return to work possible while removing lawsuit potential by current or former employees. Workers’ Compensation coverage applies to bodily injury and diseases arising out of and in the course of employment. Any bodily injury must be accidental, and the term includes death resulting from the accident. Only occupational diseases, which are unique to the occupation, are covered.
Gardner Also Will Insure:
• Employment Practices Liability can cover your business if discrimination, sexual harassment, or wrongful termination claims are made by present, former, or future employees.
• Life Insurance for business owners can help you plan for business succession, survive the loss of a key employee or partner, and retain/reward your top people.
• Retirement and Benefits for Business Owners can secure your financial future and that of your employees.
• Umbrella insurance can shield your business from potentially ruinous lawsuits with additional liability coverage.
• Bailee can protect against damage to customers’ goods, including jewelry and clothing.
• Transportation and Cargo will cover against goods that are damaged or lost when transported by one of your vehicles or common contract carriers.
• Spoilage for perishable goods when they spoil due to a mechanical breakdown or power outage.
• Delivery/Catering Non-Owned Auto if an employee is involved in an auto accident while driving a personal automobile on company business, such as in a delivery or catering service.
Please contact us for details and prices at (812) 265-6166 or email info@thegardnerinsuranceagency.com.
Business Insurance FAQs:
Q. I’m just getting my business started. Do I need insurance right away?
A. Yes, because the chance that you could suffer a loss begins with the first day of business. You can’t get help after the fact.
Q. I don’t have any major business assets. Why do I need insurance?
A. Every business has some property. And, when you think about it, your business is your property. Just like your home and your car, your business needs to be protected from loss, damage, and liability.
Q. Is insurance coverage different for different businesses?
A. It can be. Many small businesses are now insured under package policies that cover the major property and liability exposures as well as loss of income.
Q. I work out of my home. Will my homeowner's insurance cover my business?
A. Yes, but on a very limited basis. Loss of business property is usually reimbursed up to $2,500 in the house and up to $250 for business property damaged or lost away from the premises.
Q. What is General Liability?
A. General Liability insurance provides coverage if you are liable for damages to other individuals arising from your premises, general operations, and products manufactured or sold.
Q. What is fire legal coverage?
A. Fire legal coverage provides coverage if you rent a business space and are held responsible for fire damages to that rented space. It does not apply to all business risks.
Q. What is the difference between Replacement Cost and Actual Cash Value?
A. Replacement Cost is the current cost to replace property. Actual Cash Value is the replacement cost less depreciation.
Q. Does my policy cover physical damage to a vehicle I rent?
A. This damage will be covered only if that type of coverage is purchased.
Q. I keep one auto strictly for business. Do I need a separate policy?
A. Yes. Whether you have one vehicle or several, you will need a business automobile policy.
Q. Can other people drive my business vehicle?
A. Yes, but it is important that they be listed on your policy if they are regular drivers of the vehicle.
Q. What is Business Interruption/Extra Expense coverage?
A. Business Interruption/Extra Expense coverage provides coverage for income loss and the expense of establishing a temporary site during repairs due to damages related to a fire or other loss.
Please contact us so we can review your policy and make suggestions on how you can lower/improve your business insurance rates at (812) 265-6166 or email info@thegardnerinsuranceagency.com.
Business Insurance Terminology:
Business Income Including Extra Expense
net income (net profit or loss before income tax) that would be earned and continuing normal operating expenses (including payroll).
the amount of loss which an insured must pay before the insurance company will pay its portion of the loss.
General Liability
provides protection against damages for bodily injury or property damages for which the insured is legally responsible. The policy provides coverage for liability arising from personal injury and advertising injury. Coverage for medical expenses is also provided. The policy provides supplemental payments for attorney fees, court costs, and other expenses associated with a claim or the defense of a liability suit.
General Aggregate
the most money the insurer will pay under certain coverage for all claims occurring during the policy term.
Each Occurrence
considered to be an accident, which could include sudden events, a long series of events, or continuous or repeated exposure to the same harmful conditions.
provided for damages arising out of ownership or occupancy of the insured premises. This also covers damages arising out of operations performed by the insured business.
Products/Completed Operations
provided for damages arising out of products manufactured, sold, handled, or distributed by the insured. Completed Operations covers damages occurring after operations have been completed or abandoned, or after an item is installed or built and released for its intended purpose.
Medical Expense Limit
pays medical expenses resulting from bodily injury caused by an accident on premises owned or rented by the insured, or when caused by the insured’s operations. These payments are made without regard to the liability of the insured.
Fire Damage Limit
provides coverage for fire damage caused by negligence on the part of the insured to premises rented to the insured.
Personal Injury
provides coverage for injury (other than bodily injury) resulting from libel, slander, false arrest, malicious prosecution, detention or imprisonment, the wrongful entry into, wrongful eviction from, and other acts of invasion, or rights of private occupancy of a room.
Advertising Injury
coverage for damages done by oral or written advertisement that libels or slanders another’s goods, products, or services, but is provided only if the offense occurs during the course of advertising the named insured’s own goods, products, or services.
Professional Liability Insurance
liability insurance to indemnify professionals, doctors, lawyers, architects, etc. for the loss or expense resulting from a claim on account of bodily injuries because of any malpractice, error, or mistake committed or alleged to have been committed by the insured in their profession.